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thanks to Teech Golf App in 3 months

A tailor made coaching 7/7

Built with

Exercise videos made by golf coaches on demand

No more contradictions that you find on different social networks between different professionals.We provide you with a consistent base of exercises so that you no longer have to change your swing every 2 weeks.

Do you need an exercise, a drill, an additional method ?

Just ask in the chat.

Follow a simple training program that will save you golf shots

There is no secret, Gary Player says it very well : “the more I train, the luckier I get”.

We strongly believe in it.

So we stop hitting practice balls into the void and we follow simple and accessible training program that helps us progress quickly.

Become a Teechees community ambassador

We are Greg, Arthur and Paul (from left to right) and we are waiting for you to join our community of enthusiasts.

Our ambition is to create something big that will help us progress on and off the course.

“My 2019 Master’s victory. I owe it to Teech coaching” *

On se retrouve mercredi prochain dans la news.

Et pleins de birdies !!
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*we have strangely lost the source, but what is certain is that with us you will win some shots.